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Women's Hormone Imbalance symptoms?

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What's Right for You?

Dr. Susan Plank's functional medicine and functional nutrition care.


Welcome to an engaging discussion about your health and well-being. We have the option of many diverse healthcare modalities, but many people don't see healthcare outside of what their insurance will pay for.

The choices we make for our wellness journey are pivotal. Today, we are comparing two approaches that shape the landscape of healthcare: the old, traditional Conventional Medicine vs the newer kid on the block, forward-thinking, whole-body approach of Functional Medicine.

Today I'd like to give you the information you need, so you can make an informed decision, your compass, guiding you through the nuanced terrain of healthcare decisions. As we explore Functional Medicine and Conventional Medicine, our mission is clear: to empower you with insights, knowledge, and the confidence to make choices aligned with your unique health needs.

This will be a dynamic dialogue between tradition and innovation, symptoms and root causes, quick interventions, and proactive prevention, as we navigate these healthcare options. It's not about pitting one against the other; it's about understanding their strengths, synergies, and how they can harmoniously contribute to your well-being.

So, fasten your seatbelts for an enlightening exploration of "Functional Medicine vs. Conventional Medicine: What's Right for You?" — a journey that promises to illuminate the path to optimal health and empower you to make choices that resonate with your individuality. Let's embark on this empowering voyage together.

Understanding Allopathic Medicine:

Conventional medicine also known as allopathic medicine stands as a stalwart, rooted in centuries of established education and practices. Let's look at the core principles that define this conventional approach to healing.

A. Tradition and Specialization:

Allopathic Medicine, often referred to as Western or conventional medicine, has a rich tradition of scientific inquiry and specialization. Healthcare providers within this paradigm dedicate themselves to mastering specific domains, honing expertise that allows them to become "specialists."

B. Symptom-Based Treatment:

The cornerstone of Allopathic Medicine lies in finding pathology, which causes symptoms — the body's signals of underlying issues. With a focus on immediate relief, practitioners employ medications, surgeries, and other interventions to manage symptoms effectively, providing patients with rapid, tangible relief.

C. Disease-Centered Approach:

Allopathic Medicine is inherently disease-centered, directing its attention to the identification and treatment of specific illnesses. This approach is particularly effective in acute situations, where a targeted response is essential to combat the immediate threat posed by diseases.

D. Rapid Intervention in Acute Situations:

When seconds count, Allopathic Medicine shines. Conventional medicine must be reactive. Whether it's a heart attack, stroke, or acute appendicitis, the swift and decisive interventions offered can be lifesaving. In emergencies, time is of the essence, and Conventional Allopathic Medicine is a must, delivering with speed and efficiency.

E. Diagnostic Tools and Precision:

Modern diagnostic tools form the backbone of Allopathic Medicine, providing unprecedented precision in identifying health issues. From advanced imaging techniques to robotic surgeries, these tools enable healthcare professionals to pinpoint diseases and provide treatment that includes medication, minor and lifesaving surgeries.

Embracing Functional Medicine:

Functional Medicine has emerged from a different perspective. Where conventional medicine looks at pathology, functional medicine looks at physiology and function—looking for a normal for the individual and whole-body health. Let's look deeper at the distinctive features of Functional Medicine.

A. Holistic Approach:

Functional Medicine embraces a holistic perspective, viewing the body as a dynamic and interconnected system. Instead of isolating symptoms or diseases, it seeks to understand the underlying imbalances that contribute to health issues, fostering a more profound and integrated approach to healing.

B. Personalized Care:

At the heart of Functional Medicine lies the commitment to personalized care. Recognizing that each individual is unique. Functional nutritionists and practitioners look into a person's genetic makeup, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors. This depth of understanding allows for tailored treatment plans that resonate with the individual's distinct needs.

C. Patient-Centered Philosophy:

In the realm of Functional Medicine, the patient takes center stage. The philosophy revolves around understanding the patient's journey, experiences, and aspirations. A truly whole-life whole-body approach to understanding their symptoms. This patient-centered approach fosters a deeper connection between healthcare providers and those seeking care, promoting a more collaborative and empathetic relationship.

D. Proactive and Preventive Strategies:

Functional Medicine is profoundly proactive not merely reactive. It strives to identify and address imbalances before they manifest as symptoms or diseases. By implementing preventive strategies, Functional Medicine empowers individuals to take charge of their health and well-being, emphasizing long-term vitality over short-term relief.

E. Nutrition and Lifestyle Emphasis:

Nutrition and lifestyle are pivotal pillars in the realm of Functional Medicine. Recognizing the profound impact of diet and daily habits on overall health, practitioners integrate nutritional guidance, supplementation, exercise, and lifestyle modifications into treatment plans. This emphasis extends beyond symptom management to cultivate empowerment and lasting well-being.

F. Collaboration in Healthcare:

Functional Medicine thrives on collaboration. Recognizing the value of a shared decision-making process encourages active participation from both healthcare providers and patients. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of empowerment, as individuals become co-creators of their health journey.

Functional Medicine in Action: Addressing Specific Health Issues

In the dynamic world of Functional Medicine, the focus extends beyond symptom management to an exploration of finding the root causes. Functional Medicine takes center stage in addressing specific health concerns through its personalized and holistic approach.

A. Digestive Health:

  1. Root Cause Analysis: Functional Medicine pioneers a transformative approach to digestive health by delving into the root causes of issues. Whether it's an imbalance in gut microbiota or food sensitivities, the emphasis is on understanding the intricate web of factors contributing to digestive challenges.
  2. Personalized Nutrition Plans: Tailoring solutions to fit the unique needs of each. As a Functional Medicine provider, I craft personalized nutrition plans. These plans go beyond one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter approaches, leveraging the power of targeted dietary and supplement strategies to support digestive health and foster lasting well-being.

B. Hormonal Imbalances:

  1. Holistic Approach to Hormone Balance: Functional Medicine acknowledges the intricate interplay of hormones and adopts a holistic approach to restore balance. Rather than merely addressing symptoms, practitioners explore the underlying imbalances that contribute to hormonal issues, promoting sustainable harmony within the endocrine system.
  2. Individualized Treatment Plans: Recognizing that hormone imbalances are highly individualized, Functional Medicine crafts treatment plans that align with each person's unique physiology. These plans may encompass lifestyle modifications, nutritional interventions, and, if necessary, targeted therapies to optimize hormonal well-being.

C. Blood Sugar Regulation:

  1. Preventive Measures for Stable Blood Sugar: Functional Medicine takes a proactive stance in blood sugar regulation, implementing preventive measures to maintain stability. By identifying risk factors and imbalances early on, practitioners empower individuals with strategies that support consistent blood sugar levels and prevent potential complications.
  2. Customized Interventions: Recognizing the variability in how individuals respond to dietary and lifestyle interventions, Functional Medicine customizes approaches to blood sugar regulation. This does involve more time in provider-client interactions, but this empowers the client with information and knowledge allowing them to make more informed decisions. This can then allow may involve tailored dietary plans, exercise recommendations, and targeted interventions to address insulin resistance, and pre-diabetes and promote metabolic health.

D. Weight Management:

  1. Holistic View of Weight Issues: Functional Medicine views weight issues through a holistic lens, recognizing that excess weight can stem from a variety of factors. In the program, I've developed seven different physiologic factors that can cause someone to gain weight are accessed. By exploring the interconnected web of imbalances, practitioners work closely with clients toward understanding the root causes that contribute to weight challenges.
  2. Tailored Nutrition and Lifestyle Plans: Addressing weight management with precision, Functional Medicine crafts tailored nutrition and lifestyle plans. These plans extend beyond calorie counting, focusing on sustainable habits, nutritional support, and personalized strategies to promote a healthy weight in the context of overall well-being.

Navigating Healthcare Realities: Allopathic Medicine and Functional Medicine Perspectives

A. Cost and Coverage:

  1. Allopathic Medicine:
  2. Typically covered by most health insurance plans.
  3. Cost structure often includes copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance.
  4. Procedures, medications, and diagnostic tests are commonly covered.
  5. Functional Medicine:
  6. Coverage may vary, and not all aspects of Functional Medicine may be reimbursed.
  7. Consultations, advanced testing, and personalized treatment plans usually incur out-of-pocket expenses.
  8. Some patients may find that preventive measures and lifestyle interventions are not always covered by insurance.

B. Time Investment by Providers:

  1. Allopathic Medicine:
  2. Limited time for patient appointments due to high patient volume.
  3. Often follows a symptom-based approach, focusing on immediate concerns.
  4. Vague symptoms may be lost by the quick assessments and interventions are geared toward acute care.
  5. Functional Medicine:
  6. Providers invest more time in patient consultations to understand individual health histories and root causes.
  7. Emphasis on a holistic and comprehensive understanding of the patient's health journey.
  8. Collaborative discussions and shared decision-making contribute to longer appointment times.

C. Functional Nutritionist and Bloodwork Interpretation:

  1. Allopathic Medicine:
  2. Primarily relies on standard reference ranges provided by laboratories.
  3. Focuses on identifying diseases or pathological conditions based on established clinical guidelines.
  4. Functional Nutritionist:
  5. Considers optimal ranges within standard reference ranges for a more nuanced interpretation.
  6. Views bloodwork in the context of the individual's health journey, emphasizing prevention and early detection of imbalances.
  7. Takes a holistic approach, considering how various biomarkers interrelate.

D. Time Efficiency and Care Accessibility:

  1. Allopathic Medicine:
  2. Efficient for acute and urgent care situations.
  3. Can be timesaving in emergencies, providing immediate relief and intervention.
  4. Functional Medicine:
  5. Involves longer appointments but may lead to more comprehensive and personalized care.
  6. Potential time savings in the long run by addressing underlying causes and preventing future health issues.

As we navigate the realities of healthcare, understanding the financial considerations, time investments, and unique perspectives of Allopathic Medicine and Functional Medicine allows individuals to make informed choices aligned with their health goals and preferences.

Finding Answers Getting Results

In the intricate tapestry of healthcare, Allopathic Medicine and Functional Medicine are distinct threads, each weaving its narrative of healing and well-being. Let's explore how I hope these healing modalities can come to harmoniously coexist, offering a synergistic approach to comprehensive healthcare.

A. Comparative Analysis: Strengths of Each Modality

  • Allopathic Medicine:
  • Swift and Decisive: Excels in acute and emergency care.
  • Advanced Technologies: Utilizes sophisticated diagnostic tools and surgical interventions.
  • Insurance Coverage: Often covered by health insurance plans.
  • Functional Medicine:
  • Holistic Exploration: Addresses root causes and considers the interconnectedness of the body.
  • Personalized Care: Tailors treatment plans to individual needs.
  • Preventive Focus: Emphasizes proactive strategies for long-term well-being.

B. The Role of Both Approaches in Comprehensive Healthcare

In the pursuit of optimal health, each modality contributes unique strengths to the healthcare narrative. Allopathic Medicine's immediacy and precision shine in emergencies, while Functional Medicine's depth and individualized approach offer a roadmap for long-term vitality.

  • Allopathic Medicine:
  • Immediate Relief: Swift and effective in emergencies.
  • Acute Care Excellence: Well-suited for urgent situations.
  • Disease Management: Expertise in diagnosing and treating specific diseases.
  • Functional Medicine:
  • Root Cause Resolution: Focuses on addressing underlying imbalances.
  • Personalized Wellness: Tailors care to the individual for sustained well-being.
  • Preventive Strategies: Proactively identifies and mitigates health risks.

C. Integrating Allopathic and Functional Medicine for Well-Rounded Care

The true essence of holistic healthcare lies in integration. Integrating Allopathic and Functional Medicine harnesses the strengths of both modalities for a well-rounded and patient-centric approach.

  • Harmony in Healthcare:
  • Collaborative Decision-Making: A shared approach between patients and practitioners.
  • Efficient Emergency Care: Allopathic Medicine's strengths in acute situations.
  • Long-Term Wellness: Functional Medicine's focus on prevention and root cause resolution.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: The combined strength of both modalities for holistic well-being.

Empowering Your Health Journey

As you stand at the crossroads of healthcare choices, the power to shape your health journey rests in your hands. Let's explore the keys to empowerment, guiding you toward informed decisions that resonate with your individuality.

A. The Importance of Personal Choice

  • Your health is a deeply personal journey, and the choices you make should align with your values, beliefs, and aspirations. Recognize the significance of being an active participant in your healthcare decisions. From treatment options to preventive strategies, your voice matters.

B. How to Make Informed Decisions

  • In a world of healthcare complexities, knowledge is your compass. Arm yourself with information about different modalities, treatment options, and the potential impact on your well-being. Seek second opinions, ask questions, and engage in open communication with healthcare providers to make decisions grounded in understanding.
  • Steps to Informed Decisions:
  • Research: Explore the modalities available and their approaches.
  • Ask Questions: Seek clarity on treatments, potential outcomes, and long-term impacts.
  • Consult Diverse Perspectives: Consider second opinions and gather insights from various healthcare professionals.

C. Embracing Wellness Through Functional Medicine and Conventional Medicine

  • Empowerment lies in embracing a holistic and integrated approach to healthcare. By recognizing the strengths of Functional Medicine and Conventional Medicine, you can weave a narrative of well-being that combines the best of both worlds.
  • Crafting Your Wellness Narrative:
  • Functional Medicine: For a personalized, root cause-focused journey toward optimal health.
  • Conventional Medicine: For immediate relief in acute situations and precision in diagnosis.
  • Integration: Combining the strengths of both modalities for comprehensive and harmonious healthcare.


As we reach the culmination of our exploration into the realms of Functional Medicine and Conventional Medicine, let's reflect on the key insights that empower your health journey.

A. Recap of Key Points:

  • In the dichotomy of healthcare, Allopathic Medicine and Functional Medicine each bring distinct strengths to the table.
  • Allopathic Medicine excels in acute and emergency care, leveraging swift interventions and advanced technologies.
  • Functional Medicine embraces a holistic, individualized approach, addressing root causes and prioritizing preventive strategies.
  • Both modalities contribute unique perspectives to the tapestry of healthcare, offering a well-rounded approach to well-being.

B. Encouragement for an Informed and Balanced Approach to Healthcare:

  • Your health is a narrative you craft, and empowerment lies in making informed and balanced decisions.
  • Recognize the importance of personal choice and actively engage in your healthcare decisions.
  • Embrace the synergies between Allopathic and Functional Medicine, finding harmony in their collaboration.

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